
Links Interpreters Love: October 2023

LINKS INTERPRETERS LOVE is a monthly curated collection of articles, free resources, and industry-related goodies from various sources across the internet. A lot of good information can be found here, so check back each month for more!


How human translators are coping with competition from powerful AI

Advocates push Spokane County to improve language access in local courtrooms


Resources from around the web:

Refresh or enhance your Law and Crime Vocabulary in English

Understand the structure of the Court System


Recap with us:

Common Misconceptions About Interpretation



Decoding Artificial Intelligence Interpretation: Can We Really Trust It?

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  is the buzzword of the moment, captivating everyone with its endless possibilities. But when it comes to interpreters, there’s a mix of awe and concern about whether AI will take over their jobs.

So, let’s address the big question: will Artificial Intelligence Interpretation really replace professional interpreters?

WIRED magazine recently conducted an experiment where two professional interpreters went head-to-head with an AI interpreting tool, and the results were intriguing.

Let’s look at some key takeaways from the experiment:


Spoiler alert: While AI can rapidly process vast amounts of information, AI interpretation is not…

Links Interpreters Love: July 2023

LINKS INTERPRETERS LOVE is a monthly curated collection of articles, free resources, and industry-related goodies from various sources across the internet. A lot of good information can be found here, so check back each month for more!


Resources from around the web:

Recap with us:

Two Effective Ways to Keep Your New Years Resolutions

This year is your opportunity for fresh start. As with any fresh start, it can be exciting, scary, hopeful, and overwhelming all at once. There are goals you want to accomplish, whether they are personal or professional, and we want to offer a few tips to help you start the year not just with distant, “I’ll do it someday,” goals in mind, but rather with a clear idea of what steps you’ll take to create and accomplish your plans.

1. Evaluate and reflect: how did the year go?

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting…