Monthly Archives: January 2020

Subject to Interpretation: Coming Soon!

We are very excited to kick off our brand new season of Subject to Interpretation on February 7th!

If you or a colleague are interested in becoming a guest on our podcast, please send your inquiries to [email protected] with a brief bio and a topic or idea that you are interested in discussing.

To listen to the rest of this episode below, click here.



Introducing DE LA MORA’s Customized Courses: What do you want to learn?

As your oral court interpreter exam date approaches, all those desperate Google searches followed by frantic phone calls to schools could leave you weary, because it feels like no course curriculum on earth covers the exact kind of training you are looking for. Private tutoring can be pricey, but on the other end of the spectrum, semester-long classes may be too broad for your specific needs. For example, we at DE LA MORA Institute receive many inquiries from students requesting training in just one mode of interpreting. Previously, we were only able to offer private tutoring as a solution.


Two Effective Ways to Keep Your New Years Resolutions

This year is your opportunity for fresh start. As with any fresh start, it can be exciting, scary, hopeful, and overwhelming all at once. There are goals you want to accomplish, whether they are personal or professional, and we want to offer a few tips to help you start the year not just with distant, “I’ll do it someday,” goals in mind, but rather with a clear idea of what steps you’ll take to create and accomplish your plans.

1. Evaluate and reflect: how did the year go?

Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting…