Introducing DE LA MORA’s Customized Courses: What do you want to learn?

As your oral court interpreter exam date approaches, all those desperate Google searches followed by frantic phone calls to schools could leave you weary, because it feels like no course curriculum on earth covers the exact kind of training you are looking for. Private tutoring can be pricey, but on the other end of the spectrum, semester-long classes may be too broad for your specific needs. For example, we at DE LA MORA Institute receive many inquiries from students requesting training in just one mode of interpreting. Previously, we were only able to offer private tutoring as a solution.

Now, we are bringing a whole new type of class to you so you can reach your goal for 2020 and become a certified court interpreter. Starting now, we are launching a customized live online course program, in which our students will get a say in what the course curriculum will cover. Whether you’re in an awkward place between finishing your training and wanting more to prepare, or you need to retake your exam because your consecutive mode could use some brushing up, you are free to choose what you want to work on. Here’s how it works:

1. Get four people (yourself included) or more interested in taking the course.

Our custom courses require a minimum of four students. This can be a little bit tough if you’re new to the field and don’t have any contacts. If that’s the case, it won’t be a problem, because we have created a private Facebook group to help you connect with colleagues who may be interested in teaming up with you to make your customized course happen. All you have to do is visit the Facebook group page and request to join. Once your request is approved, you are free to create a post to gather interest and connect with colleagues who are willing to take the course with you.

2. Make an appointment with us.

After you find your classmates, you can schedule an appointment to speak with us over the phone at your convenience. When scheduling that appointment, be prepared to answer the following questions: What is the group’s language combinations? Do you have the required minimum of four people for this customized training? What state are you looking to become certified in? When is your exam?

3. We will call you, go over the details, and prepare to begin class.

When you call us, we can discuss your vision of what the curriculum will contain and what the schedule will look like. The class sessions will sum up to nine hours of live online training. You may choose to schedule three 3-hour classes or six 1.5 hour classes.

4. Finally, you and your colleagues can enroll in the course and begin learning!

The first three hours of the course will cover DE LA MORA’s Signature Weightlifting Methods. The Weightlifting training will create a foundation for the rest of the course and for your practice, providing you with the tools to efficiently practice and retain everything you’ll learn. Following the first three hours are the final six hours of the course, which will be dedicated to covering your customized course curriculum. Throughout the course, your instructor will be there in real time to delve into specific training relevant to you, giving you personalized guidance and feedback.

Nine hours of private tutoring would cost roughly $942. We have created this option to help you save money and reap the same benefits of personalized training. For only $298 per person, you and your colleagues will receive all nine hours of training specific to your needs, access to the course materials after the course has ended, and if you set up your training course before March 30th, we will grant you with free access to our self-paced Court Interpreter Written Exam Prep course. Now you can breathe that sigh of relief, knowing that you can create what you need. Simply follow these steps and we will be happy and excited to help you target specific skills that you will need to reach your goal and pass that oral exam.


If you were to create your own customized course, what would it be? Let us know in the comments, or request to join our private Facebook page to share your answer and get started!


Important Links:

Click here to check out our private Facebook group.

When you have a group of four people interested in creating a course, click here to schedule your appointment with us to discuss your idea.

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