Links Interpreters Love: Never be Left Speechless

Never be Left Speechless


Not sure where to start when it comes to practicing simultaneous interpretation? Looking for practice relating to a specific subject? We’ve got you covered with these links to great simultaneous interpretation resources.

Here you can find simultaneous interpreting exercises in both English and Spanish for medical and legal interpretation. The audio is free, but you can also purchase the scripts used for a small fee.

This site has a library of notable speeches throughout American history from many speakers and on many topics. American Rhetoric features a “database of and index to 5000+ full text, audio and video versions of public speeches, sermons, legal proceedings, lectures, debates, interviews, other recorded media events, and a declaration or two.”

Find tons of audio and scripts from news stories written at various levels of English proficiency, plus a host of resources for learning English. This is a great first step if you want to start out slow.



Orcit Resources Shelf

Here you can find a “bookshelf” of conference interpreting lessons and materials, presented in a fun, interactive format. You will need to be able to run Adobe Flash in your browser to use this one.

Do you have any favorite go-to resources for practice? Let us know in the comments below, and check back next week for another blog from us!

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